Today is Lil' Baby Seylor's Shower and I couldn't make it! I'm so excited to welcome another little Seylor niece into our family. I did manage to mail a little something to keep her warm and entertain her in the first few months.
The receiving blanket was copied for size from a blanket I had for the Brodster. Have I mentioned lately how much I absolutely LOVE my new embroidery machine!?! Yeah, my husband kicks ass :).
This is a krinkly baby toy I found here by way of a blog I follow, Smile and Wave. What a cool way to recycle something so simple as a wrapper for baby wipes! Lord knows I will have a LOT of these wrappers over the next 3 years!!
Then of course I had to make this baby booties, a pattern from the book Amy Butler's Little Stitches for Little Ones. I will admit that the instructions were somewhat confusing because I am too used to the complicated patterns from McCalls, Vogue and Simplicity. Once I figured it out, it was a breeze. So if you ever do an Amy Butler pattern, read through the directions once and take your time! Next I'm making the Modern Diaper Bag from Amy's book, gotta go get started. . .